What Is Septic Field Rejuvenator?
Septic Field Rejuvenator is an emergency restoration product. Instead of spending a lot of money digging up your yard, just use 2 Quarts of the Septic Field Rejuvenator (approximately $42) and your system will start working like brand new.
I Have Standing Water In My Yard, How Much Product Is Needed?
We recommend pouring 2 Quarts of the Septic Field Rejuvenator directly into your septic tank or the closest drain line to the tank. Within 48 hours you should be able to see results, with your septic field perking again.
Important: If your septic field line have been compromised by tree roots, the Septic Field Rejuvenator unfortunately cannot eat the roots or repair the broken lines. If this is the case, you will more than likely have to replace your septic field.
Is The Septic Field Rejuvenator Only Used For Emergencies?
No, the Septic Field Rejuvenator is a great maintainer for septic tanks. We recommend using 1 Quart of the Septic Field Rejuvenator once a year in your septic system. This helps your system by rejuvenating the bacteria already in your tank, giving them an extra boost, while also giving your system a "deep clean" reducing buildup and helping maintain function.
I Just Started Using Septic Field Rejuvenator And My System Is Still Acting Up, What Should I Do?
What Kind Of Toilet Paper Should I Use?
You can now use whatever type of toilet paper you would like because the Septic System Digester breaks down all organic material. That means whatever you flush will be broken down and eaten by the bacteria in the Septic System Digester.
Can I Use Antibacterial Cleaners In My Sinks?
You can, however we highly recommend that you do not use them. Antibacterial cleaners naturally put a strain on a septic system because they kill the bacteria growing in the tank. However it does require an excess amount of these products to completely kill off all the good bacteria. It is still good to limit the use of antibacterial products, so that you are giving the good bacteria a chance to grow and thrive.
Your product is awesome, and I just have a need to tell the world, how can I do that?
Well besides buying a whole bunch of bullhorns and hiring millions of people to stand on every street corner in the world singing our praises, you can do few things: